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A game by Core-Series
Dec 15 2021
We are currently running a poll if we should launch second season of Zesoria unmanaged, you find it here.
Feb 20 2021
The issue we had that prevented players from logging in has been solved!
Feb 19 2021
We're currently having little background issues preventing people from login, you can bypass the issue by change your password to same you currently have, we're working to solve this issue as fast as possible!
Feb 08 2021
Today we released client version 1.61, if you're using Windows client it will automatically download itself. If you use other kind of client you may need to download the latest version!
Feb 08 2021
Zesoria has been closed and cleaned and being prepared for it's first official season!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 1157 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 559 days ago.
Character Information
ProfessionElder Druid
Last LoginJanuary 23rd 2022, 04:12 CET

Account Information
CreatedFebruary 28th 2021, 08:42 CET
StatusNormal Account
Account Deleted
Breaking Rule 3b (processed report)

Character Quests
NameRewardView all quests >>
Annihilator Quest One out of: demon armor, magic sword, stonecutter axe, present with annihilation bear
Behemoth Quest demon shield, golden armor, guardian halberd, platinum amulet, life ring, crystal ring, 3 Small diamonds, 4 small sapphires
Deeper Heimdir Quest backpack containing 5x sudden death rune, 10x ultimate healing rune, 15x avalanche rune, 20x stalagmite rune. and one out of: mythical crossbow, robe of masters, spellbook of lords, axe of the lord, club of the lord, sword of the lord.
Demon Helmet Quest demon helmet, demon shield, steel boots
Dynam Quest moon backpack, firewalker boots, one out of: dynams axe, dynams club, dynams sword, dynams crossbow, spellbook of secrets
Mortar Quest demon backpack, 100 platinum coins, red spellwand, 30 talons, and one out of: axe of the masters, sword of destruction, club of starlight, marm armor, robe of the master, shield of mortar, morgal boots
The Ancient Tombs Quest helmet of the ancients
The Desert Dungeon Quest 100 platinum coins and a green bag with: protection amulet, ring of healing, magic light wand and ankh.
The Pits of Inferno Quest backpack of holding, pair of soft boots, stuffed dragon, frozen starlight, Uh rune(10x), Sd rune(10x), Explosion rune(30x), Hmm rune(50x), one of warmasters armor, archer armor, magicians robe

Exp History
Yesterday 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days Best Ever
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +431,721

Character List
Endok111Elder DruidFidia
Enxoz87Elder DruidZesoria

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